Bilirubin Meaning In Kannada – ಕನ್ನಡ ಅರ್ಥ ವಿವರಣೆ

“Bilirubin” ಕನ್ನಡ ಅನುವಾದ, ಅರ್ಥ, ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನ, ವಿವರಣೆ ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಬಂಧಿತ ಪದಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಫೋಟೋ ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗಳು – ನೀವು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಓದಬಹುದು.

  1. Bilirubin

    ♪ : [Bilirubin]

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Bilirubin Meaning In Kannada

The word “bilirubin” in Kannada can be translated as “ಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್” (pronounced as “bilirubin”). It refers to a yellowish pigment that is produced when red blood cells break down. Elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood can indicate liver or gallbladder problems.

Bilirubin word history

The word “bilirubin” is derived from the Latin words “bilis” meaning “bile” and “rubinus” meaning “red.” Bile is a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. When red blood cells break down, bilirubin is formed as a byproduct. The term “bilirubin” was coined to specifically refer to this yellowish-red pigment found in bile. The word “bilirubin” was first used in medical literature in the early 20th century to describe this substance and its significance in various physiological processes and medical conditions.

Bilirubin Meaning In kannada Various Way

Here are various ways to express the meaning of “bilirubin” in Kannada:

  1. ಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್ (bilirubin): This is the direct translation of “bilirubin” in Kannada.
  2. ಕೆಂಪು ಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್ (kempu bilirubin): “ಕೆಂಪು” (kempu) means “red” in Kannada, so this phrase emphasizes the red color of bilirubin.
  3. ಹಾಲುಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್ (haalubilirubin): “ಹಾಲು” (haalu) means “milk” in Kannada, and this phrase refers to the yellowish color of bilirubin resembling milk.

These are some ways to convey the meaning of “bilirubin” in Kannada, emphasizing its color and association with bile and red blood cell breakdown.

Bilirubin Meaning In kannada With Sentence Sample

“Bilirubin” in Kannada can be translated as “ಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್” (bilirubin). Here is a sentence sample:

ಡಾಕ್ಟರ್: ನಿಮ್ಮ ರಕ್ತದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್ ಮಟ್ಟವು ಹೆಚ್ಚಾಗಿದೆ. ನೀವು ಗಂಟೆಗಳಷ್ಟು ಬೆಳಕು ಕಾಣುವ ಕೆಂಪು ನಿಲುವಂಗಿಯನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದೀರಿ. (Dāktar: Nimm raktadalli bilirubin maṭṭavu hecchāgide. Nīvu gaṇṭegaḷaṣṭu beḷaku kāṇuva keṁpu niluvaṅgiyanannu hoṇḍidīri.)

Doctor: Your bilirubin level is high in your blood. You have a yellowish hue visible for hours.

Please note that this sentence is for illustrative purposes and may not reflect a specific medical context.

Bilirubin Antonyms kannada And English With Table Format

Here are some antonyms of “bilirubin” in Kannada and English presented in a table format:

ನಿಲುವುರುವು (niluvuru)Clear
ಶ್ವೇತ (śvēta)White
ತಿಳಿವಳಿಕೆ (tiḷivaḷike)Clarity
ಸ್ವಚ್ಛತೆ (svacchate)Cleanliness
ನಿರ್ಮಲತೆ (nirmalate)Purity

These words can be considered as antonyms of “bilirubin” in Kannada, representing concepts such as clarity, whiteness, cleanliness, and purity.

Bilirubin Synonyms kannada And English With Table Format

Here are some synonyms of “bilirubin” in Kannada and English presented in a table format:

ಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್ (bilirubin)Bilirubin
ಕೆಂಪು ಹೆಮೊಗ್ಲೋಬಿನ್ (kempu hemoglobin)Red Hemoglobin
ಹೆಮೊಗ್ಲೋಬಿನ್ (hemoglobin)Hemoglobin
ಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್ ಪಿಗ್ಮೆಂಟ್ (bilirubin pigment)Bilirubin Pigment
ರಕ್ತರಾಷ್ಟ್ರ (raktharashtra)Blood pigment

These words can be considered as synonyms of “bilirubin” in Kannada, representing similar concepts and terms related to bilirubin and blood pigment in English.

Bilirubin Q&A In kannada And English

Q: ಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್ ಏನು? (What is bilirubin?)

A: ಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್ ಎಂದರೆ ರಕ್ತದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಂಡುಬರುವ ಕೆಂಪು ಬಣ್ಣದ ಪದಾರ್ಥ. ಹೆಪಟೈಟಿಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ಗಾಲ್‌ಬ್ಲಾಡರ್ ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಗಳ ಸೂಚಕವಾಗಿ ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಮಟ್ಟದಲ್ಲಿ ರಕ್ತದಲ್ಲಿ ಇದೆ. (Bilirubin is a yellowish-red substance found in the blood. It is an indicator of liver and gallbladder problems when present in elevated levels in the blood.)

Q: What causes elevated bilirubin levels? (ಏನು ಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್ ಮಟ್ಟವನ್ನು ಏರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ?)

A: ಬಿಲಿರೂಬಿನ್ ಮಟ್ಟವನ್ನು ಏರಿಸುವ ಮುಖ್ಯ ಕಾರಣಗಳು ಹೆಪಟೈಟಿಸ್ ಅಥವಾ ಗಾಲ್‌ಬ್ಲಾಡರ್ ವ್ಯಾಧಿಗಳು, ಕೆಂಪು ರಕ್ತಕೋಶಗಳ ಅಧಿಕ ಮರಳು, ಅನುವಂಶಿಕ ಅಥವಾ ಉತ್ಪಾದಕ ದೋಷಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಮದ್ಯಪಾನ ಪ್ರಭಾವ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿದಾಗಲೂ ಇರಬಹುದು. (The main causes of elevated bilirubin levels can be hepatitis or gallbladder disorders, excessive breakdown of red blood cells, genetic or production defects, and even excessive alcohol consumption.)

Please note that the translations provided are approximate, and the actual meaning and context can vary based on the specific usage and interpretation.

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